Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What was the governments' structure like in colonial times?

The government structure (shown to the right) is how the government structure was layed out in the 1800's. Before the act of union, the people were not able to influence the people higher in the government structures and with the Governor having veto power he could deny anything that did not benifit him or make him money which made him veto anything the people wanted like schools, and roads.


  1. Try to finish this up before Friday, Devon. BTW, that was my comment on the other post and NOT Group 2 (my mistake..:))

  2. Nice surveys and photos with captions, Devon. Great job!

  3. You're doing well for being on your own dude :) The Government was really unfair back then. -Tye

  4. i think it’s certainly direct and to the point in a short paragraph! i'm a little angry with government :( -mina-
